How Do I Grow My Blog With Pinterest?

I’ve avoided joining Pinterest for this long but I finally succumbed and made myself an account.  I feel like I’m missing out on potential opportunities for influencer marketing without one.  Truthfully I don’t really know how to grow my blog with Pinterest, but it must do something or I wouldn’t keep stumbling over all these posts about how to grow with Pinterest!

So what I need to do now is get using this channel and see what I can do for my blog with it.  I’ve made myself a few boards and pinned some of my stuff, and some stuff from others, and I’m waiting for the people to flock to my piece of the Pinterest world.  So far I have 3 followers and I think they came from my pleading on Twitter for someone (anyone!) to be my first follower.  Yes, sometimes I have no shame.

Now that I’ve spent some time over there, I can see Pinterest is another great time-waster.  I resisted Twitter for a long time, but once I decided to get “serious” about my blog I was very happy to get into the Twitter-verse and use it to share my posts to a wide audience.  It works.  And I’m hoping Pinterest will work for me as well.  I just don’t want it to suck away my time like all social media seems to do.  This is why I resist joining them in the first place.  My willpower is not that great and once I get really into something I find it hard to walk away.

Grow My Blog with PinterestI belong to a few influencer marketing groups/pages and it seems that unless I have a Pinterest account I don’t qualify for the campaigns on half of these pages.  It’s a bit ridiculous that it’s mandatory for certain brands or products that you be able to share on specific social media channels.  But, if I can get the people who follow me on Twitter to also follow me on Pinterest (and Instagram, and sometimes Facebook) I can say I have twice (or 3, or 4) times as many people following me on social media when the reality is that it’s the same people, just on different platforms.  Somehow that’s what these brands and websites want to hear.  It seems so redundant to me, but I’m doing it – just another sheep in the flock.

I’d love if you would leave me a comment and let me know if you’re following me on any (or all!) of my social media platforms.  I want to return the favour!  Also if you have any tips to find myself more followers on Pinterest (or any social media) who will then engage with my content, I’d love to hear about that too.  For now I’m just going to stumble along doing what I’m doing and see if I can manage to grow my blog with Pinterest.


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  1. I recently set up a pinterest account too for my blog and I love it! It really is a great time waster though isn’t it! I have 2 followers! I will go and follow you on there now :)#stayclassy

    1. I followed you back. Thanks! Strangely I find my blog is getting more hits since joining up to Pinterest even though I only have 7 followers. It’s curious. Or maybe a coincidence. I’ll try to post a “6 months after joining Pinterest” or something and share if I think it’s actually helping me. Thanks for reading!

  2. I’m stumbling around in social media as well, I have no clue how to make Pinterest worthwhile, but like you, I have an account and some pictures and not much else! I’d be interested in hearing if you do have success and how you made it work if you go down that route. My best is Twitter, I’m working on Facebook as well. #stayclassy

    1. I’m actually finding it hard to get people to “like” my FB page. I share all my posts there and I like other pages but it’s just not growing the way I’d like. So far Twitter is my best social media site as well. I also find it easy to use, and I can’t be too wordy there like I can on Facebook!
      Thanks for the comment!

    1. Ha ha ha! I really didn’t want to get on there, but (of course) once I did I was pinning all my posts to my boards, and I have seen some engagment there. I don’t like it as well as Twitter or FB but if it’ll get me some readers I’m all for it! 😀
      Thanks for the comment.

  3. I’m new to Pinterest too – we have 16 followers. I think there’s some great articles on Pinterest out there for how to make it work to promote your blog. Honestly, I just haven’t read them yet. I’ve followed you though!

    1. Thank you! I’m jump over there and follow you back. 🙂 I have wasted a pretty good amount of time there so far reading and pinning and feeling like I don’t know how people have so much time – they have so many boards and pins and photos that they’ve turned into “pinnable images”! I’m amazed at the amount of content…

  4. I’ve had a Pinterest account for some time now, but have only now started to utilize it for my blog. I’m definitely still just bumbling around, trying to figure out how to best use it to my advantage. Heading over to follow you now though-definitely update how it works out for you! <3 #StayClassy

    1. Thanks for the follow Savannah! I’m almost at 30 followers! I’ve pinned my stuff and a few other interesting things but it’s still pretty slow going. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Hiya, I’ve had Pinterest for a while – I don’t really get it either. I’m no good with recipes and home decor so I guess that’s why it doesn’t really fit with me. I would suggest IFFIt to you – I use it across all my social media handles and it posts links/ images for you. So for example I have mine set to post blog posts and instagram photos direct to Pinterest. I have followed you! #stayclassy

    1. I think that’s what I thought about Pinterest also – it’s all wedding stuff and recipies and things I don’t really care about – but I’m finding all sorts of blogging tips and mom life stuff that’s pretty interesting. I’m going to look into IFTTT – I’d love something to do a lot of my posting for me! Do you find it saves you time?
      Thanks for the follow!

  6. I knew that it was important to be on all social media channels but I didn’t realise it was mandatory! I joined all of them from the start because I felt like I would get more coverage that way. I’m following you on Pinterest now, yay! Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!

    1. Thanks for the follow! I had no idea how much social media work was involved either. It can be a bit overwhelming! But it does work, or so I’m finding…

  7. Well I am in the same place as you with Social Media. I love Twitter and Instagram but I can’t get on board with my Facebook being anything more than a personal place I see my friends and family and Pinterest was really my spot for checking out new tattoo ideas. We have to get on there as well? Right I best get on it!!

    Followed you on Twitter #momsterslink

    1. Thanks for the follow! I am really struggling with my FB page (still!) Part of it may be because I don’t want to follow other bloggers with my personal account. I don’t want my timeline filled up with stuff from people I don’t really know, you know? I have a hard enough time staying on top of what my 100 “friends” are doing, adding bloggers and blog pages would make it unbearable! Let’s hope we can get into our grooves with the Social Media aspect of blogging!

  8. I follow you on all platforms :)) It has taken me over a year to get 1,000 followers on Pinterest but I have had something pinned over 10k and it has brought traffic to my blog. It does seem funny that a lot of my followers are the same on several social media and that somehow this helps the algorithms which some days I just don’t care about. It’s funny how we let stats get to us sometimes. I say if people are reading your material then you’re doing good. Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink.

    1. Thanks for all the follows Trista! I find it hard sometimes to not think about the numbers. I try to just know some people are reading – it’s really fun when I get a comment from either someone I actually know but didn’t know they were a reader! Or what is really just a comment from someone random. By that I mean not from a linky. I love the linkys though, for getting some exposure! So thanks again for the comments, and the linky love and all of the follows. I’m going to go be sure I follow you back!

  9. I love Pinterest, it’s probably my favourite social media channel and by far the biggest referrer to my blog. I think the trick is to be pinning regularly and making it other peoples stuff rather than just your own. I see both pinterest and instagram as a way to show people my tastes and interests beyond my blog, but also as a way to pull together stuff that I like and that therefore my readers might like – for example as a mummy blogger of 2 girls, you and your readers might share an interest in things like craft ideas for kids, or kids cooking, or birthday party ideas, or easy fancy dress costumes. once stuff that you are pinning becomes popular and is getting seen (of other peoples stuff) you own content will also get seen when you pin that. Hope that makes some sense – will pop over and follow you 🙂

    1. Yes, I definitely need to work on my Pinterest strategy. I still feel like I’m barely muddling through Twitter and FB right now. Your tips are great – I will try to repin more of others to gain myself some pinning credibility! Thank you so much Sarah for leaving such a great comment!

  10. I’ve been taking my time looking into the different media social platforms and the search engine Pinterest over the past weeks. For me the e-course by Jen at Love Chic Living seems rather helpful. #mmbc

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