Over the past few years, mental health – the stigma and the reality – have become a hot topic. And rightly so. Mental health should be as normal and natural to discuss as the common cold. So why isn’t it? There are a myriad of reasons mental health has a stigma surrounding it. Rather than […]
Things to do in Kingston every Spring
I love creating these seasonal posts. Digging into fun stuff to do, then sharing it with you, is exactly what I want to do with with my writing and online influence! But enough about me. Let’s take a look at what I’ve found! (Full disclosure here – some of these “events” happen in the winter, […]
5 Water Safety Tips for Enjoying Your Summer
As a parent I spend a lot of time watching my kids play around water. We go to their Nanny’s pool almost every week in the summer, some years we go to a cottage, or camping, and sometimes we go walk along the lakeshore, or around the Rideau Canal locks. Keeping them safe is always […]
How to find native plants for easy gardening in Kingston, Ontario
*Note – I know lilacs are not considered plants for native plant gardening. However, they are everywhere here in eastern Ontario. And they are so beautiful and fragrant that I have a bunch of photos of them and thought it would make a nice header image… Spring is my favourite time of year. The snow […]
5 Reasons I Love Kingston Ontario
I have lived in Kingston, Ontario for most of my life. And I’m not just saying that because I’m old now and more than half of my life has happened after highschool, though that is a factor. I was born here, at Kingston General Hospital. At the time my parents lived in Amherstview, which is […]