Art At The Tett

cupcake_RevB-red2Today Rose had her Little Dancers class at Kingston School of Dance.  They’re gearing up (and learning routines!) for the Annual Performance in June.  Both my girls are in it – it’s going to be excellent.  They love performing on the stage at the Grand Theatre.

Anyway, not where I’m going with this post.  Sorry about that.  Emma and I wandered the building as we often do on a Saturday morning.  The regular Creativity Studio art stuff has been switched from 9am start to 10am, so no love there since Rose’s class runs 9 til 9:45.

But, wonder of wonders, we stumbled upon an art installation downstairs in the Activity Room of the Tett Centre.  I did remember I had seen something about this upcoming display, but of course with so much else going on day-to-day I had forgotten.

You can always find some sort of art at the Tett.  The very neat thing about this art installation is that it’s by the Fibre Artists.  That means it’s all fabrics and stitching and very neat looking stuff.  Emma and I spent maybe 20 minutes admiring all the very cool works of art there.  I actually had to restrain myself from physically touching the art as it all looked so amazing.

There’s a section with a “The Tett Then And Now” feature.  Very neat stuff with a lot of past imaginings of the Tett Centre. I got Emma to step into the picture of that piece of wall display.  She had me read her all the parts of the art that she couldn’t read herself.  She was definitely interested in the historical aspect, and the fact that it was displayed as art.Art at the Tett

I took some photos, but nothing close up of the individual pieces of art.  I’ve left that for you to go and admire, up close and personal.  This installation is on until the end of the month.  And if you’re in the Tett Centre during the last weekend of the month, there will also be a pottery show and sale in the Malting Tower.

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There’s always interesting stuff going on at the Tett.  Check out the website here to see what else is on this month at the Tett.  We spend a lot of time there every week so it’s nice to know what else we can look at while one kid or the other (or me!) is dancing.

If you have any leads on other fun stuff we can or should check out around town, please leave it in a comment below.  Extra points if it’s a free event!


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