Today’s post is just a quick Christmas greetings!
The photo above is our Christmas card this year. I made it using Canva and it was super easy! (No, this is not a post about Canva and I’m not being paid/compensated in any way.) If you click on the image you can see the full “card” since the feature image always gets cropped!
We really left it to the last minute to get some cards made this year. Heck, I’m still wrapping and figuring out if we have everything we need! I’m so glad we don’t do any “real” hosting of folks over the holidays. I can only keep it somewhat tidy when I have to wrap gifts in the same space as the kids play and we eat dinners!
But that’s not what I wanted to post about. I want to send all my friends and readers the love and peace of the holiday season and of course my Christmas greetings! We are all getting over colds and sicknesses here in my home but I wish health and happiness to everyone out there.
I was hoping I could get people to share with me some easy Christmas eve or Christmas morning traditions I can start with my family. Right now we just do church on Christmas eve (the girls love being angels in the pageant) and then we come home, have a snack and go to bed. Then we get up, open gifts, eat something and head out to family gatherings. It’s not too special, although it’s worked well for us while the kids were small. Now they’re ready to help out or try new things, so I’d love to add something to our “normal” routine.
Something we do do here is Elf on the Shelf. I’ve got a post all about our Elfie Sparkle here. I’ve had a lot more fun with her this year – and the kids are enjoying her hi-jinks!
So that’s it! Share with me your holiday traditions (and easy Christmas morning breakfasts!) in the comments, please and thanks, and I’ll try to try something new this Christmas!
Love, hugs and Christmas greetings!
PS – My posting will be sporadic until the New Year. I’m planning to spend some time with the family and worry less about my blog life. 😀