Valentine’s Ideas for Tweens

Valentine's ideas for tweens

Valentine’s Day – a day of hearts and flowers, right? That sounds about right, until you have a tween.

When children get to a certain age, sharing mushy valentines starts to be uncool. My 7-year-old still doesn’t care what kind of valentines she makes for her schoolmates, but I’ve noticed my 10-year-old becoming more picky.

We are usually a “write your name on a pre-printed card” family. It’s quick and easy, and it fits into our busy weeks. But now my girls seem to be thinking more about what the cards actually say, and not being as happy with the generic sentiments.

So what do you do with a co-ed class of 10 and 11 year olds? One year my eldest daughter took apart a “bouquet” she had won at a festival and handed one of the cloth flowers to everyone in the class. (I was glad to get that dust catcher out of my house!) But really, there aren’t a lot of quick and easy options besides those trusty boxed valentines.

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After scouring the internet for “older kid” ideas for Valentine’s Day, I have a few ideas to share:

Tween Valentine’s Day Card Printout
Who doesn’t love mustaches? I know my kids would absolutely enjoy getting a mustache valentine! Check out this printable idea – I’m pretty sure you can find mustaches at a party store or maybe a dollar store. With enough notice, you could order some from Amazon.

20 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Kids
This post has tons of great ideas, also with dollar store items attached. There are so many great thoughts – you could even mix and match a few depending on the personalities in the classrooms!

If you’re at all creative, pop over to Canva and design your own printable valentines. You can visit this huge list of Valentine’s Day sayings, and then pair them with a toy or candy to make the perfect valentines for the kids.

I am a busy non-creative mom. If I had more time with the girls during the week we might be ambitious enough to make something, but Amazon has a great selection of valentine cards for those of us who just want a ready-made option. Let’s be honest – it takes a LONG time for reluctant writers to put everyone’s names on these cards. Sometimes that’s all we can manage!

Another quick and easy idea is just candy – no note attached. Send your kids to school with Hershey kisses or other wrapped candy and just hand them out. Or get some assorted stuff (as allergy-free as possible) and make little baggies for everyone. (No one keeps the valentine’s cards for posterity anyway, do they?)

What do you do for Valentines at school?

Valentine's Ideas for Tweens

Do your kids still get excited about Valentine’s Day? I’m finding the excitement wears off as they get older. I’m sure part of the lack of enthusiasm is that my husband and I don’t do anything for V-day. Especially as it usually falls in the middle of the week, and who has time to get creative on a Thursday night?

Share some of your easy-but-fun ideas in the comments. The more the kids can do themselves, the better! We haven’t spent much time thinking about Valentine’s Day yet, but it’s going to be here before we know it!

Are you a last minute person? I have some quick and easy ideas for you too: Last Minute Valentine’s Ideas for Busy Families


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