7 Tips to Build a Successful Blogging Business from Home

Build a Successful Blogging Business

*7 Tips to Build a Successful Blogging Business from Home is a guest post. If you are interested in writing for A Modern Mom’s Life, please visit my Guest Posting page.*

Blogging can be a difficult business. It can take a minimum of a year before we see any results. Even then, it’s not a guarantee.

During this time, persistence is essential and taking good care of ourselves will be a priority. As we will cover in this mini-guide, we want to ensure we avoid eating poorly, sleeping inconsistently, and focusing on tasks that won’t have an impact on our website.

Use this mini-guide as a powerful reminder to keep yourself in tip-top shape to power through the tough times! Let’s take a closer look now at the 7 success tips for building a blogging empire from home.

Need help writing enough content for your blog? Consider hiring a content writer or copywriter to help you stay on top of your tasks!

7 Tips to Build a Successful Blogging Business from Home

1. Fly strong in a mastermind group

Masterminds have been a growing trend over the years. By putting together like-minded individuals working toward the same mission, the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts. This means we can be stronger as a collective than if we were on our own.

There are lessons to be learned from geese that fly in groups. Scientists have estimated that geese flying together can fly up to 70% further than if they were flying alone.

There are several reasons for this:

● The v-formation provides a structure that creates an efficient airflow, reducing the amount of energy required for each goose to fly
● The geese help each other by making a honking noise, communicating regularly in a motivating manner
● The goose leadership rotates frequently as the lead goose expends the most energy, breaking the flow of air so there is more lift for all the other geese

So what can we take away from geese? Having a structure (or plan) can reduce the amount of resistance we face if we were to fly alone. Discussions can not only help ourselves in finding the best path or course of action to take but also help others reduce any friction they might face in growing their web presence.

The communication within a group can also bring useful insights for each person. Talking things out and bouncing ideas can produce a new perspective for seeing roadblocks and hurdles differently. We can also learn from each other’s mistakes and successes, share resources, and support each other during tough times.

Lastly, through the rotation of discussions and leadership, each member can become stronger. Individuals can learn to stand on their own and ‘lift’ the group over time, developing self-confidence in places like public speaking and critical thinking that can be applied to other areas of their life.


For more information on starting and running a successful mastermind, check out Chris Ducker . One important key point he makes is for everyone to come prepared to share three things: 1. what they are doing well on, 2. what they need help with, and 3. one resource others in the group can appreciate knowing about.

2. Focus on the essentials: content and outreach

Another way this section could have been titled is to avoid what is not important. Running a website without any form of marketing is like building a website in the middle of a desert and crossing your fingers hoping someone will find it. Although we want our website to look decent for our readers, spending too much time playing with themes, plugins, fonts, or images might not yield the most results for our time.

The ultimate goal is to become the go-to resource for our readership or audience group. In order to do this, we must write content that is both useful and insightful. We also want to garner attention and love for our content by collaborating with other bloggers to provide valuable content for the readers.

There are several ways to start marketing and outreach. The simplest is to reach out and say hi! Ask other webmasters or influencers in the space how you can contribute to their readership. We want to provide as much value as we possibly can and use that as a stepping stone (reference) for greater things (working with other influencers of your particular blog space.)

Build a Successful Blogging Business

3. Work at the same time consistently each day

Eat well, sleep well, and have a cut-off time for work. It’s easy to get carried away working long hours without an end, especially when we do so from home. Committing to a schedule can provide a consistent pace we can follow without burning out.

The routine also provides a foundation for other parts of our life. It lets us take care of other commitments such as our children or day jobs. By figuring out your schedule and adhering to it with discipline, you can prioritize on the most important or most impactful activities you should spend your time on.

A consistent work schedule also provides clarity which can be motivating and efficient at the same time. We can look forward to exactly what is next on our plate while minimizing the amount of unnecessary time spent thinking and planning.

Don’t forget to also stop working at a certain time. It’s easy to get carried away with plucking away at the keyboard late into the night. Sleeping well so that you have the energy to keep up with the next day will be important. You can learn more about the best sleep hygiene practices at MySleepyFerret .

4. What is your website brand? What is your story?

Branding is a little tricky topic that requires research on its own. The basic premise is to find an angle which others can recognize you as in your industry and niche.

What’s your story? What are you to others? How would you like others to know you or refer to you? Are you the crash-test dummy to building online businesses? Perhaps you are the traveling monk or yoga mommy on a mission to end world hunger?

Whichever the angle you pick, do your best to stay consistent with the message. It doesn’t have to be entirely unique and unheard of. You can trust that over time, as you grow and become an influencer, your brand can evolve into something entirely different from what you first thought. But do start with something so you can begin thinking about it and finding your voice in the noisy blogosphere.

 5. Write in a way that improves your skill every time

Writing will be the #1 communication tool as a blogger. We need to sharpen our skills in writing so that others can understand the ideas we write about.

The best way you can improve is by following reputable guides and practice rewrite sentences for comparison. It’s also great to get feedback from others from time to time.

You may also want to consider looking at what is trending virally. A popular tool you can consider is Buzzsumo , which allows you to check what is being shared the most on social media platforms. Pay special care to the headlines and introductory paragraphs. They draw readers in.

One tool you can use to write better headlines is CoScheduler . This tool can quantify the strength of headlines for your articles based off of certain elements that make a headline attractive for driving traffic, shares, and for search results (SEO).

6. Focus on a single traffic source to learn it’s nuances

There are several mediums in which we can engage our audience with our content. We can place our content in front of audiences of other websites and email lists for referral traffic. We can also share our content on social media platforms for social traffic. Lastly, we can have paid traffic and the use of advertising platforms to market our services and products.

So which one should we choose? Everything can help us successfully grow our website. Arguably the best approach to success is to do so is to focus solely on one medium at a time. The narrow laser-like vision lets us develop our skills into something that can be of actual use to produce results.

You can focus on search engine optimization ( SEO ), learn to rank for keywords, and growing the number of daily organic visitors. Alternatively, you can focus on social where you tweet, hashtag, and collaborate with other interested influencers of the space. Whichever you choose, pick one that you feel you are most comfortable with. You can then learn the nuances that make each platform. For example, you might find Pinterest is filled with women as an audience group or that Instagram visitors react well to certain image formats.

Build a Succesful Blogging Business

7. Eat well and exercise daily, please!

It might seem obvious, but we need an occasional reminder to take care of our health. This means keeping an eye out on what we put into our mouths and how frequent we physically engage ourselves. Eating well and exercising daily is essential to get the blood pumping and the brain working in order to work diligently for your business.

There are several dangers we have to watch out for as full-time bloggers:

● Carpal tunnel syndrome from typing excessively in a poor wrist position
● Shoulder and back pain from ergonomically poor sitting positions
● Obesity and weight gain from the lack of movement and physical exertion
● Cardiovascular diseases and health issues from the long hours of physical inactivity
● Higher risk of developing cancer and dying from cancer-related deaths

The sedentary nature of building a blogging business can be easily overlooked. Making a routine to stay physically active each day can help you maintain a level of focus and energy to do what needs to be done.

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We should also be vigilant of overeating and junk food. It’s brain draining and difficult to be writing all day, every day. It’s even more difficult when we stress on how we aren’t seeing the fruits of our labor. When we do so at home, we’re more prone to snacking because blogging can become boring, frustrating, or unclear over time.

So what can we do to ensure we’re taking care of ourselves? Track everything you eat and follow a strict schedule of daily exercise. You can start an Instagram account and begin uploading photos of every meal and workout session. That way, you build accountability for yourself, grow a social following, and have something to look forward to every day.

Our Final Thoughts

Blogging can be a tedious marathon, but it can become rewarding. It takes a lot of patience and doing the right things so that we can get to where we want to be sooner than later. In this mini-guide, we looked at what you can focus on in order to take care of yourself as you work diligently and what you should focus on in order to grow your blog.

How to Build a Successful Blogging Business From Home

We hope this mini-guide serves as a useful reminder of how you can work from home to build a successful blogging business.

What are your best tips for growing a successful blog? What’s your routine like working from home? What are the challenges and roadblocks you face today? Let us know in the comments below!

The author of this post has chosen to remain anonymous.  I will respect their wishes.

What do you do routinely to help grow your blogging business?  I try to schedule my time when I can, and I definitely agree that eating well and getting into a routine with physical activity helps me focus when I need to.  Making time to blog can be tough – I even wrote a post about it: How to Find Time for Blogging in your Busy Life

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  1. I can’t stress #6 enough. One of the arguments I often hear is how “risky” it is to rely on one source of traffic. “What if Google decides to de-index my website from their search engine?” or “What if Facebook bans my business advertising account?”

    It can happen, but it’s unlikely unless you do something catastrophic like game the system. Otherwise, the potential gained when you buckle down to focus can help you win earlier than later. This psychological win is just as important as the success of your business, and should never be underestimated.

    Thank you for having me, Jessica. It was a pleasure writing for your blog. 🙂

    1. Happy to have you Brian. All of your tips are great ways to build a successful blog. A lot of them can be applied to other businesses with an online presence as well.

  2. Jessica, there are lots of useful tips and inspirational advice on your blog! Thanks for sharing this piece on becoming successful as a blogger. Several points resonate with me, especially 3, 5 and 7, which I feel I really need to work on in order to improve my craft. Keep up the great work!

  3. Me is just focusing on the right part of strategy. Everything I am learning for classes is really meant for the established. Such as building an email list. I cannot do that without an audience.

    1. Finding subscribers is difficult for me as well. Getting your audience really is the hardest part – and then knowing what they’d like to read in their inbox is yet another struggle! If you promote your pieces on social media, and use appropriate keywords and good SEO practices, your audience will slowly grow. Good luck Margaret!

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