Tips For Having a Relaxing Bath (Alone)

relaxing bath

It’s Saturday afternoon.  You’ve been up since 6am (kids don’t know how to sleep in) and have chauffeured the kids to swimming lessons and dance class.  Now the laundry is in various stages of completion, lunch was had, and the kids are playing quietly.relaxing bath

Sounds idyllic, right?  Well it is!  So you decide to try and take a relaxing bath.

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If your family is like mine you can slip away for a few minutes without anyone noticing, or at least not right away.  I have spent years folding laundry quietly in my bedroom, so when I disappear everyone assumes that’s where I’ve gone.  And while laundry is so much fun, (queue eye roll) I can use my “laundry” excuse for sneaking in a bath if I want to!


The number one suggestion I can give you for sneaking in a relaxing bath is: Don’t Tell Anyone!

Seriously – don’t even tell your spouse.  If everyone is in the dark about where you are no one has to keep a secret.  And while they are all arguing about where you went, you are soaking in the hot, bubbly relaxation of your tub.


My second, very important, tip is: Do Not Close The Bathroom Door.

In my house a closed bathroom door is just an invitation for someone to barge in and ask me a question or start a philosophical discussion.  If they didn’t hear me run the bath, the closed bathroom door would give it away for sure!

I do pull the shower curtain across for when they do finally figure out where I’ve gone.  Inevitably someone will have to pee while you’re relaxing, but you can still pretend you’re hiding behind that ever-present shower curtain.


My third – and last – tip: Keep Everything Close At Hand

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If you need to traipse all across the house to find some clean towels, the bubble bath, some candles, and maybe your book, someone will clue in to what you’re on about.  This tip may need a little organization ahead of time.  I keep my extra bubble bath in my towel cupboard, and I try to keep my supply of clean towels folded and put away.  If you’re a candle enthusiast I’d suggest keeping one (and a lighter) in a bathroom cabinet as well.


Tips For Having A Relaxing Bath Alone


Once in my mom life so far I have succeeded in having a relaxing bath where no one entered the bathroom.  Now that my kids are a bit older and more understanding of personal time (and space) they will ask if they need to enter the sanctuary of the bathroom while I’m luxuriating in the bathtub.  Somehow the interruptions are less intrusive when people are polite about it!

I’m living proof that you will eventually achieve a relaxing bath in your busy mom (or dad) life.  It may not be today, or tomorrow, but follow my few tips and you will succeed!


Do you have tips of your own to include?  Share them with me in the comments!

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  1. This made me chuckle. Some great tips there. Thankfully, my lot are pretty good and tend to leave me in peace nowadays, but I remember the days of disturbed baths very well #MMBC x

  2. hehehe! This did make me chuckle….
    I always sneak away now without telling anyone and I leave the door open….I can get at least a 20 minute soak without anyone noticing. lol x

    1. That’s great Kim! Funny how “sneaking away” works – as long as you don’t announce your intentions sometimes it’s so much easier to get things accomplished!

  3. This just make me want to go and take a bath…. but then I turn around and saw my husband and children looking at me with puppy eyes and remember I have to feed them… lol

    Thanks for sharing it with us at #alittlebitofeverything

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