This summer we will experience a Blue Moon in August, but it will be different from what we classically think of as a Blue Moon.
Usually, a Blue Moon refers to the second full moon in a single month. The last Blue Moon occurred on Oct. 31, 2020 – a special Halloween treat. While August 2021 will have only one full moon, it is considered a seasonal Blue Moon.
A seasonal Blue Moon occurs between the solstice and equinox of a season – this time summer.
“The upcoming seasonal Blue Moon of August 22, 2021, happens because June’s full moon falls just a few days after the June solstice, early in the season of northern summer (southern winter). And thus there’s enough time to squeeze four full moons into the current season, which will end at the September equinox on September 22, 2021. Weirdly, it’s not the fourth of these four full moons that’ll be called a Blue Moon. It’s the third. Go figure,” said in a recent article.
To celebrate this Blue Moon phenomenon, Adagio Teas sent me their beautiful Bella Luna Blue Tea to sample. This special blend, only available to purchase on the days of a Blue Moon, combines lemongrass and the flavor of blueberries with the exotic Butterfly Pea Flower, which turns the tea a beautiful blue colour.

While I don’t have a clear mug to fully enjoy the stunning blue of this drink, I still enjoyed the flavours, and it was delicious as a summer evening drink.
With a floral and fruity bouquet, this tea needs a full steep to fully develop the flavours. The full 10 minute steep left me with a wonderfully blue delicious drink to enjoy. The lemongrass flavours are the most developed, but the blueberry and floral notes do speak up in the background. This would also be lovely enjoyed as an iced tea.
I can confirm the claims that this tea turns purple with the addition of lemon juice. And it is still a wonderful tea with the added acidity. My personal preference is to enjoy it without added lemon juice, but the purple colour is quite astounding!
While my photography can’t capture the deep blue without a clear mug, I did break out my fancy tea cup and saucer to enjoy Bella Luna Blue Tea. These images are my own, but the above image was provided by Adagio Teas.
Adagio Teas was started by a mom and her love for tea. Her sons have since joined the fold and the family-owned company has grown to three facilities worldwide. Their passion is providing fresh teas, directly from the farmers to your cup. Importing teas directly from the countries in which they are grown both ensures maximum flavour and direct support to the tea farmers.
Specializing in loose leaf tea from around the world, the wide selection at Adagio Teas is sure to please tea drinkers of every description. And don’t forget to order your Bella Luna Blue Tea on August 22, 2021, to experience the beautiful and delicious flavor that’s as rare as each Blue Moon.
I was offered free product in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.