Sometimes parenting is a thankless job. I’m not saying it’s not worth all the challenges that come along with it, but I know we have all had “those days.” As moms (and dads) it’s our job to look after everyone. But it’s really nice when someone also looks after us. So I turned to my […]
Secrets to Help WAHMs Plan for Their Future
*Secrets to Help WAHMs Plan for Their Future is a guest post. If you are interested in writing for A Modern Mom’s Life, please visit my Guest Posting page. This post also contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through my link I will earn a small commission. These commissions support my blog and my family.* […]
Raising Girls: I Have A Tween!
I have 2 daughters. They are the light of my life. But, my oldest just turned 10, so I think that means she’s officially a “tween” now. (That doesn’t change how I feel about her, but it does make me a little nervous for the next few years!) So, what is a “tween”? That’s a […]
Meal Planning Tips and Tricks
Meal Planning. I suck at it. I want desperately to have this be a successful area of my life. But I haven’t yet learned the quick and easy tips to make meal planning work for us. Most nights end up being: pick up from after school care and go directly to dance classes. That means […]
How to Survive Travelling with Kids and Tweens
As a family we do a lot of car travelling. Sometimes long distances, usually only an hour or two at a time. But no matter how much time you spend travelling with kids, you will inevitably hear, “Are we there yet?!?” I’m here to tell you that there are some ways you can (hopefully) […]