Maple Syrup Fun in Eastern Ontario

If you’re anything like me, you eagerly look forward to the end of winter.  And not just because it means the snow and cold weather will move along, but because the sap is running up the trees.  As a gardener, I love the idea of spring and new growth, but what I really love when winter starts to recede is Maple Syrup season!

I will admit, as a parent I am failing at exposing my children to the wonders of maple sugar bushes.  Both my girls have been to Little Cataraqui Creek with school, to learn about spring, sap, and how maple syrup production has evolved over the years, but that’s the extent of their visits to local sugar bushes.  I need to remedy that!


Here are some maple syrup producers you can visit in Eastern Ontario

Leave me a comment, sharing which ones you have visited, and if you have a favourite!

Did you know Lanark County is the maple syrup capital of Ontario?  Visit the Lanark & District Syrup Producers Association to learn more about maple syrup producers in eastern Ontario.  I lived in Smiths Falls for my teenage years, and visited many sugar bushes in the area.  Perth, Ontario holds a Maple Syrup festival in April – check out my last item below for more information on that!

Sugar Hill Farm

Located in Sunbury, just a 20 minute drive from Kingston, is Sugar Hill Farm.  During the sugaring season they welcome visitors to come and learn about making maple syrup.  If you are interested in visiting this organic, family run farm, they recommend giving them a call to set up an appointment, and to see if the sap is running!

Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area

Every spring Little Cat holds their Maple Madness event!  The conservation area has it’s own sugar bush and pancake days.  My daughters have been twice each, in both Kindergarten years, with school.  There are stations set up showing the ways syrup was made in the past.  A big kettle over a fire, a wooden trough where hot rocks are used to heat the sap, and of course their evaporator are all on display during Maple Madness.

Maple Syrup Eastern Ontario

As I haven’t been as a parent outside of school events, I’m not quite sure how the event goes on the weekends.  I know there are puppet shows, pancakes to be eaten, and of course the tractor drawn wagons to get you back to the sugar bush.  You can walk – it’s not that far – but small children may appreciate the ride. There is a cost involved, and you can read all about it on their website.

Wheeler’s Pancake House, Sugar Bush and Museum

Wheeler’s was our go-to Saturday out during Maple Syrup season.  I’ve eaten there a few times (sometimes it’s been too busy to get a seat before we kids starved to death(!) at peak sap running time!) and strolled the forest, barn and museum.  It’s a lovely set up, and there are hiking/skiing/snowshoeing trails, as well as some farm animals and lots of maple products for sale.

Wheeler’s is a bit off the beaten track, but there is plenty of signage to help you find your way.  Located in McDonald’s Corners, it’s a lovely 1.5 hour drive from Kingston.

Fulton’s Pancake House and Sugar Bush

For those of you up for a further drive, Fulton’s is located in Pakenham.  Maybe you could bundle a visit into your ski weekend at Mount Pakenham!  It’s about 2 hours from Kingston.  And similar to Wheeler’s, you may not be able to rely on your GPS to navigate the smaller roads into the sugar bush.  The websites all have excellent directions you can print out, and there is always signage along the way to help you out!

Fulton’s has a pancake house; ski/snowshoe/hiking trails; a heritage maple path – complete with a roaring fire on weekends and holidays; a sugar camp where you can learn, and help out with, maple syrup making; trail games for the kids; and a toboggan hill.  Sounds like a full day of fun to me!

Maple Syrup Fun In Eastern Ontario

The Riding Tours of the Rideau Region has a page with their Maple Syrup Driving Tour.  If you’re looking to plan a trip with a few stops, visit this website and pick a few locations to stop at.

If you’d rather head into Prince Edward County, I’ve learned there are many sugar bushes in that direction as well.  In fact some of the wineries that are so popular in the warmer months also boast a sugar bush!  In March, Maple in the County has Sugarbush Festivities.  Visit the Maple in the County website to learn where and when all the festivities will be taking place this year.

Delta Maple Syrup Festival

The Delta Fairgrounds hold the Delta Maple Syrup Festival every April. Find all the details (including all you can eat pancakes!) on their website. From wagon rides to fire station tours, it sounds like fun for all ages!

Perth Festival of the Maples

Held in late April each year, the Festival of the Maples allows all local maple syrup producers to showcase their products.  The chamber of commerce hosts the event and it shuts down some streets in Perth ON.  I haven’t been in years, but it’s almost always a nice day – and I’m pretty sure you can sample some syrup from some of the vendors!

Maple Syrup Fun In Eastern Ontario

Do you go to a sugar bush every year?  Or have you visited any of the ones I mentioned above?  Let me know in the comments if you have a favourite place for those amazing pancake breakfasts!

I think as good Canadians, it’s important to sample some delicious maple syrup at this time of year.  Before you know it the snow will be gone, and flowers will be blooming.  Then we will have missed all the fun of maple syrup season in Eastern Ontario!


I was not compensated in any way for featuring these events and businesses.  As a Kingston, ON blogger I enjoy sharing local events with my readers.  If you are interested in being featured on my blog, please visit my Work With Me page, or contact me at for more information.

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  1. I wish I lived closer to a maple sugar bush. We had a maple sugar bush as a kid and we would make our own maple syrup every year. It was a lot of work but tons of fun and of course the best part was having all that maple syrup.

  2. I appreciate your Maple Syrup Fun page but it is a bit out of date – I see it was 2015. The Rideau Heritage Route link goes to a restricted page. Looking up the driving tour it has not been updated in two years. If you decide to update, perhaps you could consider including the Delta Maple Sugar Festival apparently one of the oldest and possibly the largest in the area. Link is

    and it is closer to Kingston than some of the others.

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