A Day In Photos: Ontario Science Centre

Ontario Science Centre

On New Year’s Day we took the kids to the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto.  As I had just taken a photography course the week before I took along my camera and tried out some of the settings and ideas I learned about with Mark Aidan Bergin.  The course was a lot of fun but I still struggle with the right settings for the lighting.

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Anyway, we had a lovely trip.  We did spend New Year’s Eve in a hotel, which in hindsight was not the best idea.  It was loud all night.  So much so that we joked about having the girls run yelling up and down the hall when we were up at 7:30am.  They said “We can’t do that!  The doors have the “Shh” sign on them!”  They’re smarter than we sometimes give them credit for.

Ontario Science Centre

If you’re interested in my tips on staying in a hotel with kids you should read this post.  On this trip we stayed at the Delta Toronto East, where we’ve been before with good results.  The kids love the kiddy pool with the frog slide.  I don’t have any photos from our hotel excursion, but it’s a nice hotel. (The photo above was from our last trip in May when we went to the Toronto Zoo!  You can read about that trip here)

Ontario Science Centre

When we got to the Science Centre a man approached us as soon as got inside the doors.  He had a free pass he wasn’t able to use, and would we like it?  Umm, yes please!  So our new year got off to a great start.  It was a 5 person pass to get us all in (although there are only 4 of us) so we got free admission.  Thank you random friendly man!

A better way to visit some Toronto attractions is with a CityPass.  (Though if you can stumble over free tickets, that would be the best!) There are 5 attractions available to visit with the pass, and the Ontario Science Centre is one of them!  Visit the CityPASS Toronto page to find out what other attractions are available – you’ll save some cash, plus you can skip the ticket lines!


Ontario Science Centre

There were 2 exhibits visiting the Ontario Science Centre when we were there.  A weather exhibit (I love all things weather!) and a neat whimsical robot type artsy exhibit.  (I had to tweet @OntScienceCentre to ask what they were called.)  I could have spent more time looking at those cool sculptures (structures?) but by the time we had corralled the girls through the entire rest of the place I was exhausted.

Make sure you click on my photos to see them in their original (larger) size.  Sometimes they lose their punch when they’re compressed for my blog posts.  You can cycle through all the photos once you’ve clicked on any one to enlarge it.  If you like what you see visit my Photography page!


Ontario Science Centre
Okay so this isn’t an animal, but it is a rainforest – where the animals live!

Ontario Science CentreOntario Science Centre Ontario Science CentreOntario Science Centre


Dad and the Girls

Ontario Science Centre
I don’t know – does it look like they’re having fun?
Ontario Science Centre
The weather props were a lot of fun!

Ontario Science Centre


Cool Science Stuff

Ontario Science Centre

Ontario Science Centre
Emma got a kick out of the mirrors!

Ontario Science Centre

Dream Machines

This is the cool arty sculptures exhibit.  The Ontario Science Centre tweeted me back and told me “Dream Machines is the largest collection of Rowland Emett’s whimsical kinetic sculptures.”  I thought they looked amazing and the kids really enjoyed wandering around looking for the scavenger hunt stuff.

Ontario Science Centre Ontario Science Centre Ontario Science Centre Ontario Science Centre


I plan to continue this series, A Day In Photos, all year.  If you are interested in having me visit your attraction/location/event and take photos, please contact me.  As I work on learning my camera and I master different lighting conditions I’m confident my half-decent photography skills will improve!

My previous photo heavy posts can be accessed here:

If you’re interested in using or purchasing any of my photos please visit my Photography Page.    If you have any suggestions for places I should visit with my camera in Eastern Ontario, Canada, please share with me in the comments or by email!  I’m always up for being a tourist around my hometown.  And if you’re a local photographer (at any skill level), I’m hoping to start going out one Wednesday a month to just wander and practice taking photos with my camera.  I’m always happy for company!


PS – If you put your email in the box in my sidebar you’ll be added to my mailing list.  I send an email once a week.  In those I talk about things we’re up to that didn’t get onto the blog, what I did get up to on the blog, and sometimes I ask questions of my readers for input for future posts.  Join me there if you like my blog!


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    1. It really is a lot of fun. I could have taken so many more pictures of the kids getting into it all, but there’s only so much time in a day. And I wanted to investigate the exhibits too! This time I didn’t have to follow Emma around and read her everything, so that was a plus!

  1. This looks amazing! How much fun?! and How kind of the stranger to give you a free ticket!

    Thank you so much for linking up with us. My apology for the delay in commenting. I hope you can forgive me! xx #ExplorerKids

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