Working Mom Series – Jill from The Food Freedom/Body Love Method

Food Freedom Body Love Method

Jill is a lovely lady I know in real life.  I met her through the dance school where our girls (and some of us moms) all spend many hours a week.  Just recently I’ve become aware of the work she is doing with the Food Freedom/Body Love Method.  She is trying hard to bring awareness to the intuitive eating method, and the idea of letting your body be what it needs to be.  Healthy body image is so important right now!

I just joined Jill’s FB group: Find Food Freedom and Love Your Body.  I think she’s doing great work and I would love for you to get to know her.  Here are her answers to my working mom questions:

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Describe your home life – how old are your kids? Does your spouse work as well? Or are you a single parent?

Our home life is pretty chill. Our life tends to be hectic (isn’t everyone’s??), so when we can, we keep home fairly chill. My kids are 6 and 8 – which is a super fun age but we are finding some of the girl drama that emerges at 8 a bit challenging. Every age has it’s moments though, yeah? My husband is a carpenter. He renovates houses (we are living in our 5th renovation) and had his own business for ages. More recently, he started teaching carpentry full-time at our local college which has been incredible. Two self-employed spouses is HARD.

Working Mom Series - Jill from Food Freedom/Body Love

What do you do? Describe your working life.

I’m a naturopath. I worked as a general ND for 10 years before shifting into emotional eating/weight/body image work only. I was in a busy clinic. Now I work mostly from home, occasionally popping into the clinic when I need some work space. It’s a really nice set-up.

And how many hours do you work in a week?

Oh gosh…that’s the *funny* thing about self-employment. I chose it so I could control my hours and have flexibility – and I do love the flexibility – but I find myself working all hours. I have to make a real effort to *turn off* – especially with my phone. Most days I’m failing miserably….but I’m trying. Points for that?

How soon did you return to work after having a child?  And is your work life the same now (same job, or role at that job?)

Well, I worked from home for a short period after my first baby and I went back to work after 3 days with her!!!! Seriously. She was wailing upstairs and I was a wreck but I worked through it…After my second, I took 6 weeks off. I’ve never had anyone to cover my practice, despite trying, so I really had no choice but to head back to work. That said, I only went back two short half days to start and I work my way back to three full days over 6-12 months. Also, That was all I ever worked when the kids were babies – so, while I never had the experience of being home for a year, I also never had the experience of suddenly leaving my baby for 5 days a week – which I know is a privilege. And I really am one of those women that functions better while working – even a bit. The work is good for me.

What do you do to treat yourself?  Do you have something in your routine that you do just for you?

I am reeallllly good at treating myself. I take on a lot and so I also take care of myself really well. I use essential oils daily. I move my body every day – my weekly dance class is the joy of my adult life. I get regular massage. I meditate and journal almost every day. I get out with girlfriends and my husband and I make an effort to have irregular date nights (irregular is the best we can do right now! Ha!).

Touch on your most and least favourite things about being a working parent.

My most favourite part is knowing that my girls are seeing me do something really meaningful with my life. That I have a purpose and I’m reaching the goals I set and designing a life I love. They really are absorbing that. I also have to admit that I LOVE having adult, me-time, away from my kids……I truly am a better mom when I have that.

My least favourite part – being away from my kids (it’s hard, even when I know I love/need it). And the moments when life gets too hectic and I take it out on my family. Every now and then I feel like life is in fast forward and I’m missing them. All three of them. It’s a bad feeling. That’s typically when I re-group, slow down our schedule, and make more family time….

What are your goals going forward?

I’m not sure I have goals right now. I know how I want our life to feel and that’s what I’m focused on.

Any tips to share for balance in your life?

It’s a constant juggling game over here!!! I have NO TIPS. HA 🙂

Connect with Jill at and enjoy her inspirational photos and conversations on Instagram.  And don’t forget to visit her FB Group: Find Food Freedom and Love Your Body.

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